The All Ears Club

Hear the stories from our #AllEarsClub, Click Below to see the Q&A
We would love to hear your story!

"I never got my ears pierced as a child since my mom always said my big ear lobes were a sign of good fortune"

"One day my mom tried to put earrings on me when I was three and I actually ripped my left ear"

"I used to have pierced ears up until I was in grade five, but I developed keloids"

"I've always had sensitive ears and I'm allergic to most metals. So wearing earrings for a long period has always been a struggle for me."

"I just realized lately that I have such sensitive ears. I got a helix piercing 5 years ago and it took 3 freaking years to heal!"

"I was always told by my mother that piercing my large ear lobes would actually get rid of my luck so I never got a piercing (as much as I loved the look!)."

"I had to remove the earring, but the piercing hole healed into a keloid and I had to remove it in the hospital."

"I get worried about Keloid Scarring and the After-Care that needs to be performed if pierce my ears."

"I have metal allergy"

"I didn't want to put my body through the initial pain and risk of infection of getting pierced ears, just for fashion's sake."

"I wear clip on earrings due to my religion."

"I have gotten my lobes pierced before but they got infected shortly after."

"The doctor told me to let my piercings close up and to never re-pierce them after the Keloids."