Mia's Story
Q&A with @pasta.pal
What do you do at Aiori?
Some of you might recognize my face from our socials, and that’s because I am Aiori’s content creator! My role involves brainstorming creative concepts, finding trends, filming, and editing to create the best content for our community.
Why do you wear Clip On Earrings?
I’ve always loved the look of ears full of stacked earrings. So I got many piercings when I was younger, but one day I slept over one of them, it entered the piercing hole and it got infected. I had to remove the earring, but the piercing hole healed into a keloid and I had to remove it in the hospital. After that, I stopped piercing my ears and I see the clip-ons as the best choice for those who don’t want to suffer and go through the pain of getting their ears pierced, but still want to keep the look. Also clip-ons are way easier to remove LOL (I take almost 30 min to remove all of my piercings).
How do you describe your fashion style?
My wardrobe is composed of 2 colors only: Black and White. I don’t really care about looking good, but I do care about how comfortable I am when wearing the clothes. Street style and loose clothing are my favorite!
What's your must-have Aiori accessory
I am a silver girl and as I mentioned, I love the stacked looking on ears so I’d definitely go with a set: Silver Trio! I can stack them or use them separately. The Silver Tiny Hoops are also my favorites, because they are very versatile and I can use as many as I want throughout my ears!